Stuff I find, picture journal, and thoughts of mine and others.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Here's a better (sorta) picture of the fake tattoo I had. The tail's messed up a bit, but that's what happens when it's not permanent...
We had a big fire. After it all burned out at the end of the night, the ash ring was almost 5 feet in diameter.
Here's my mom's costume. Aside from the clown makeup, she makes a pretty decent Wonder Woman After Retirement.
A bad picture of the fake tattoo I had put on my chest as part of my costume. After I finish writing these, I'll have a better pic taken.
Chris & my li'l bro at the party. Chris is wearing fake teeth. Rick has the eyepatch.
Here's a picture of Chris' costume that he wore for our halloween party Saturday night. A pirate.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Even Chris wore a costume. But he hates getting his picture taken, so I have to act fast before he reacts. This is my best shot. He's a king
The other daycare kid was dressed as a witch. Some of her costume is glittery, but since my camera is crap it doesn't pick that up.
Then we changed our minds after they ate and we put his duck suit on!! He's still wearing the sailor pants tho!
The daycare kids had costumes too. He's a sailor! Isn't he adorable?
We wore costumes. This one's mine - I'm a Pirate Wench!!
I put up decorations. The webs at the corners to the dining room archway are better, but I forgot to take pics of those. Here's the big spider tho.
We had a halloween party today for my mum's daycare kids. These are the cookies I made.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
My favorite necklace
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Here's a really grainy picture of the sky that I took while my parents were driving home. I was in the back seat. The sky was actually (sorta) that color, 'cause the sun had just gone down.
This is my cousin. She's 16. She's not available.
Today was my cousin's birthday. Sweet 16. It was fun.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
If you can't tell, that's Dodge again, upside down in my fiance's bowl-chair, watching television. Chris took it, so it's all blurry. He hasn't quite mastered the art of digital photography. You must hold the camera still for more than just a split second after the shutter button is pressed, my dearest...
Here's a nice picture of the skyline, and a semi-cloudy day today. Those black & white bags are cows, for anyone who's not quite familiar with the animal...
This is one of about 20 pictures I took on the way up to my boyfriends' house. The house and the pole aren't really leaning, it just looks that way because the camera and I were moving, at about 50 MPH
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Here's my kitty again. He was all stretched out where the 'big cat' usually lays. Hope he moved before the 'big cat' found him in his spot...
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Here's the new tattoo that my friend got on his back. Koi fish & a lotus. More stuff to come. He wants his whole back, arms, & chest covered, Yakuza style. Yummy stuff...
Here's my baby, his name is Dodge. We tucked a cloth napkin into his collar for a cape. He's super Dodge!
Saturday, October 09, 2004
This is where I'm going today, and have to spend 7 & 1/2 hours staring at this scene. I hope I have enough things to do to entertain myself..
This is my desk. Part of it. Two pictures are merged, if you can't tell. I do intend to clean it up eventually...
Friday, October 08, 2004
This is my sweetie. She's an angel when she wants to be, and a devil just the same. Kinda reminds me!! She loves it when I take her on car rides. My mother babysits her every day of the week, except on vacation days.
This is who I have to deal with every day. His name is Chris. He's my fiance. He gets pissed off if you try to take his picture. This is the best one I have on my computer.
These are the lanes upon which I throw my bowling ball at a set of 10 pins every Thursday night at approximately 6:20 p.m.
These are the two guys I bowl with. They're fun. Younger than me, but bowl like pros. Fun stuff.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Tomorrow is the last day of the semester. I'm really not sure if I want it to end. Simply because, next semester I will have to do my externship, and I really have no desire. Because it means that I am just 12 weeks away from being out of school and out into the real world. I don't want to get out of school. I'd like to attend more. I don't feel quite ready to be in a career. I don't think I have enough education. I feel like HBC just kinda glossed over everything in a quick review and sent us on our ways with degrees in our hands and a bad taste in our mouths. At least, in my mouth...
Here's what I used to look like, before I got my hair cut and the dye faded.
here's what I'd look like if I had blue eyes. Kinda creepy, huh?
Monday, October 04, 2004
This week is the last week of the semester. The new semester starts on the 18th. I won't have class until the 20th. Hopefully I will have started my externship by then.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Old people are odd. I saw a couple this morning, dressed in identical walking/jogging suits. The fact that they were identical wasn't the problem. It was the fact that they were made out of a material that resembled aluminum foil. With red sleeves. They reminded me of space suits, the ones they wear under the huge, cumbersome suits.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Today is Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. It's also Groucho Marx's, and Sting's birthday. They were some pretty prominent characters, weren't they. Makes me wish I was born on some other day, besides sharing a birthday with Michael Jordan.
Man, I so do not want to work today. I just want to go back to sleep. I suppose I need the money tho. I just hope I can find enough work to keep me busy.
These are two ladies I work with, cleaning up one of the rooms before new furniture is arranged. Don't they look like something out of a magazine??
Friday, October 01, 2004
That's me in glasses a few months ago. If you see them, give them back to me, okay? They're missing. I need them real bad.
Me, taken a few days ago. I got my hair cut, to get rid of the black that's stuck in my hair. My boyfriend hates it. I thought it looked good black. You can't really tell in this picture.