I saw a teeny baby bunny get run over in the street on my way home today. It made me sad, and at the same time, made me really mad. Because the car was an SUV. One of those big ones, with three rows of seats and horrible gas mileage. It just gives me one more reason to think that SUV drivers/buyers just don't care about anything but their insignificant lives, and how "cool" their cars are. It could've swerved out of the way, and avoided the poor thing by inches, but I bet they were talking on their cellphone, or yelling at their noisy spoiled kids for no good reason. People like that make me sick.
I've recovered a little, but I've made myself a vow. Even if I have to stop my car completely and get out of my car to shoo away whatever small creature has wandered into the road, I will NOT run over any animals, so help me. As for deer, or (if they're even in this area) moose, I'll just stop and wait for them to move on their own. They can hurt me!! lol