Going down into the upper atmosphere, I came across the Hotel New California.
It's got a very disorienting feel to it. You'd understand if you walked its halls. Tubes. Whatever.
Checking in was easy, the receptionist was quick and efficient.
So after I checked in, I checked out the bar.
There wasn't much activity at the bar, so I went to my room and check out my facilities.
Hey, when ya gotta go...
After that, I found the governmental station. It's one-stop shopping for all your government needs! It's got the police..
Complete with a lineup room..
And a jail for locking up the convicted!
There's also a courtroom for trials
And the shops. Which are apparently run by the government.
I also ran into a Borg cube
But I managed to escape, and came across a disabled ship.
I got down into the atmosphere and visited Mars, which really does have life on it.
It's just mostly accidental, as seen by the crash site on the other side of the mountain, and underground.
The moon wasn't that great, and I didn't take any photos of New Detroit, but Planet Bob was interesting. They've got space jellies!
There's also a bunch of laboratories
And an infirmary, just in case you get infected by the space jellies or something.
It looks like it's still a work in progress, but it's a very nice work in progress. I recommend Privateer Space to anyone looking to immerse themselves a little more than they normally do on the "regular" sims.